Learning New Skills-Internet Marketing Starting At The Beginning

Learn the basics of internet marketing an introduction

Learn the basics of internet marketing

Learning New Skills- explaining internet marketing

In simple terms, using one word and the only best explanation is “traffic”.  Internet marketing is all about increasing traffic, which is online exposure, attracting new customers and ultimately converting customers online and offline through contents.  You write content and you internet market for the sole purpose of improving traffic by educating your prospects, or helping them learn something and hopefully converting this traffic we call prospects into customers so a business can increase revenue and profits.

In learning new skills, no matter what you understand from this point forward, you must get this concept as simple as it is.  Internet marketing is about driving traffic and attracting customers.  Knowing this, removes the mystique about a confusing term that carries a lot of extra baggage, by using industry terms such as: SEO, SEM, and on and on ad nasueum.  These are all means to an end and that end is traffic.  As we continue down the path of internet marketing, you will be learning new skills and all the terms used by internet marketers to drive traffic, better yet, to attract customers.

Learning New Skills– internet marketing origins

Beginning from the early 1990s Internet marketing made an amazing development from simple text-based websites that offered product information into highly evolved and complete online businesses promoting and selling their services on the Internet.

Nowadays, the Internet marketing industry has become a complicated and branchy science involving a great deal of theoretical knowledge in combination with applied techniques. As a science, it ranges from browser-side and server-side programming and coding on one end to marketing and economics on the other.

Learning New Skills- another meaning to get the full picture of internet marketing

Internet marketing means the use of the Internet to advertise and sell goods and services. It includes Banner and Text Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Interactive Advertising, Affiliate Marketing and Search Engine Marketing (including Search Engine Optimization and Pay-Per-Click Advertising).

Learning new skills- top 5 reason to learn internet marketing

  1. Learning new skills- internet marketing- 31% of all online businesses want more traffic
  2. Learning new skills- internet marketing-it’s the top skill set for all successful businesses online
  3. Learning new skills- internet marketing- 65% of all consumer go to the internet to find local companies offline
  4. Learning new skills- internet marketing- the internet is growing faster with new businesses being added daily
  5. Learning new skills- internet marketing- is all about attracting customers by driving traffic to your site

Along our journey to learning new skills like internet marketing, we will learn all about these individual strategies.  Covering each element will be like a piece of a jig saw puzzle.  Each new component we cover is like adding another piece to the puzzle.  Eventually we add enough pieces that the picture of internet marketing will start to take shape.  Sometimes it takes the last piece for the picture to become perfectly clear, so be patient.  Be patient while you learn new skills.

Learn New Skills Blog Resource Box

George Napoli is both an author: Be Thinkful©, as well as an entrepreneur having coached and trained thousands of employees and entrepreneurs in high level skill sets in Leadership, Six Sigma, Management Training and a wide range of high level- life changing skill sets like thinking, creativity and innovation and change.  I am a Professional Blogger and Professional Internet Marketer.  I am fortunate to hold Masters Certificates in Human Resource Development, Strategic Organizational Leadership and a Master Black Belt in Six Sigma, all from Villanova University.

This post is property of Learn New Skills Blog.  You may reproduce this post; Learning New Skills-Internet Marketing Starting At The Beginning only in its entirety, including resource information and maintaining active links.


New Skills – Business Models Online: The 5 General Types Of Internet Businesses

New Skills- 5 Types of Business Models Online

Business Models Online 5 Different Types- Learn New Skills

New Skills- Business Models Online

When you search online do you ever notice the different types of websites you  encounter?  If you are thinking about starting an online business using a website or blog, do you know what type of business model you want?  Do you know the differences between the different types of business models online and why they exist?  It’s time to learn more about doing business online and embrace this resource and the opportunities it presents to you.

So you search and search and you find things you like and you find things you don’t.  Depending on the type of website the search engines return when you enter a phrase that interests you, those keywords bring up the most popular sites that have that keyword in their headings, contents or URL name, etc.

Searching online is not an exact science.  I will do an article on searching in a later post, but for now you need to understand what the results that search engines return when you do conduct a search, as far as the different websites that exist out there in the World Wide Web.

New Skills- Business Models Online and why this is relevant to you?

Let’s look at the six different business models online so you know what they are and how best to use them to your liking.  No matter what your search is about, you will discover they all fit neatly into these six business models online in order of their dominance.

You may be asking right about now, why do I care and does this relate to me?  If you are just searching to learn something a specific subject of interest, chances are you won’t find it on an ecommerce site.  You may get small bits information but typically they are about selling the information.  Also, statistics show there is a wide market for people interested in developing their own website and marketing online.  For those of you interested in building an online business, this is the place to start.  And, here’s why…

…when you decide to build a website or blog and market online you need to start with the end objective in mind.  In this case, it is deciding on which one of these six business models your new online business will fall under:

New Skills- Business Models Onlinethe 5 types of business models online:

  1. Online Commerce
  2. Advertising
  3. Lead Generation
  4. Customer Support
  5. Hobby,

New Skills– Business Models OnlineOnline E-Commerce

The e-commerce business model is probably the most well understood of the five general types of business models, simply because this is where the majority of the money is spent and made. Any website that sells products, services or information fits into this model and each of these sites have similar challenges. While the specifics of how online commerce works differs slightly between sites selling products (such as consumer products like vitamins versus books), those selling services (such as internet marketing or hotel rooms) and those selling information (such as news or financial reports), fundamentally the challenges are the same – attract visitors to the website, show them the value proposition and get them to convert.

New Skills- Business Models OnlineAdvertising

The advertising business model is one typified by attracting visitors to a website who will read content and at the same time, theoretically, view and respond to advertising. News and sports websites, such as CBSNews.com, The Weather Channel, CNN.com and ESPN.com all have this business model. The basis for making money on advertising sites is the ability to sell electronic advertising in this model.



New Skills- Business Models OnlineLead Generation

The lead generation business model is typified by the presentation of information about a product or a service in the attempt to gather contact information for the visitor. The general idea is that, if the visitor is interested enough in the VALUE of the content the website provides, and if the value proposition is clearly presented, the visitor is more likely to provide personal information such as name, email address, and so on. Important performance indicators for the lead generation model mostly focus on the reach, acquisition and conversion end of the customer life cycle as retention is usually driven via external (email, phone) contact after the lead is generated.

New Skills- Business Models OnlineCustomer Service

The customer support business model is typified by a website designed to help visitors answer questions about a product or service without having to pick up the telephone and generate a costly phone call to a support department. For the most part, customer support is integrated into one of the other models already discussed – rare is a website that focuses solely on customer support after a product has been purchased without also trying to get the visitor to purchase additional products (online commerce model) or to generate some kind of lead (lead generation).

New Skills- Business Models OnlineHobby-no commercial intent

Some people have a passion for a subject or craft.  In these cases, the content this business model provides is free for all to share.  They have no interest in selling or commercial intent, but are providing information for like minded people sharing the same things.  Therefore, they have no action required like buying anything or providing personal information so they can later market to you.

New Skills- Business Models OnlineConclusion

Understanding what type of business model you want to launch is the first key to building an online business.  Understanding the key objectives of each business model online is the second key component.  Knowing the types of business models online also helps you be more productive when you search for things you are interested in as well.

Before we continue on the path to market your online business, in the next post, we will address the criteria to determine if your business idea and concept has the power to generate great wealth for you.  There are only 7 key components to a business that can generate great wealth.  Answer the question does my business idea and concept address at least 6 of these 7 points, to determine if your business has the power to generate great wealth for you.  If it does, buckle up, your journey online will produce great wealth, great rewards and independence for you.  If you are interested in starting a business or have an existing one, this is a must read article.

Learn New Skills Blog Resource Box

George Napoli is both an author: Be Thinkful©, as well as an entrepreneur having coached and trained thousands of employees and entrepreneurs in high level skill sets in Leadership, Six Sigma, Management Training and a wide range of high level- life changing skill sets like thinking, creativity and innovation and change.  I am a Professional Blogger and Professional Internet Marketer.  I am fortunate to hold Masters Certificates in Human Resource Development, Strategic Organizational Leadership and a Master Black Belt in Six Sigma, all from Villanova University.

This post is property of Learn New Skills Blog.  You may reproduce this post;  New Skills- Business Models Online: The 5 General Types Of Internet Businesses only in its entirety, including resource information and maintaining active links.


Learning New Skills- Internet Marketing And The Four Core Elements To Succesful Integration

Internet Marketing And The Four Core Components To Integration

Internet Marketing And The Four Core Components To Integration

Learning New Skills– Internet Marketing And The Four Core ElementsTo Successful Integration.

Learning New Skills- Internet Marketing  

Once you understand these four elements, you will begin to master the world of internet marketing.  Everything you do to market your business online by attracting visitors, ultimately falls under one of these four components.  Successful internet marketing uses an integrated approach to all four core elements.

Learning New Skills- Internet Marketing and the four core elements

  1. SEO- Search Engine Optimization
  2. SEM- Search Engine Marketing
  3. SMM- Social Media Marketing
  4. Web Analytics- Measuring the results of your efforts to attract traffic

Learning New Skills– Internet Marketing a deeper review of each of these core four elements for a more clearer understanding of what they actually mean:

SEO- search engine optimization is all about marketing to the search engines.  Bing, Yahoo and Google are all search engines.  When you market to search engines you follow a set of rules and procedures that these search engines look for.  This is the first component and without a doubt the most important.  It includes the subject of keywords, fine tuning each web page for optimization and web submissions to mention just a few for right now.

SEM- search engine marketing starts right after you have optimized your website for the search engines.  This component is all about marketing to humans, unlike SEO which was all about marketing to search engines.  This new skill set includes affiliate marketing, link building, content publishing for online/offline pages, PPC campaigns which is pay per click advertising.  These are just a few to mention so you know some of things it includes.

SMM- social media marketing is all about internet marketing through social media channels like Facebook, Myspace Twitter and all the others.  SMM is all about sharing contents with like minded communities and other media that attracts customers to your website.

Web Analytics– is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for the purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage.

Everything you do with these four core elements supports the universal objectives of driving traffic to your website and converting prospects into customers, once they get there.

Each of these four core elements includes a completely distinct and different body of knowledge for the information and tools you will need to be successful at internet marketing.  Each element comes with its own set of rules and procedures.  You will learn them all along this journey.  Stay with us.

In our next post we have to get through the different business models online, so that you understand the types of models and their primary objectives.  With that behind us, we will be able to start our introduction and the journey along the path of internet marketing, crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s along the way.

Learn New Skills Blog Resource Box

George Napoli is both an author: Be Thinkful©, as well as an entrepreneur having coached and trained thousands of employees and entrepreneurs in high level skill sets in Leadership, Six Sigma, Management Training and a wide range of high level- life changing skill sets like thinking, creativity and innovation and change.  I am a Professional Blogger and Professional Internet Marketer.  I am fortunate to hold Masters Certificates in Human Resource Development, Strategic Organizational Leadership and a Master Black Belt in Six Sigma, all from Villanova University.

This post is property of Learn New Skills Blog.  You may reproduce this post; Learn New Skills- The Professional Internet Marketer And The Evolution of Internet Marketingonly in its entirety, including resource information and maintaining active links.


Learn New Skills-Anchor Posts For Blogs-

Learn New Skills-anchor post for blogs

Learn New Skills: anchor post for blogs

Learn New Skills-Anchor Posts For Blogs

For all you Bloggers out there, or those who plan to be, do you know the difference between a typical post and an “anchor post?”

Learn new skills anchor posts

Anchor posts are a specific kind of post that search engines love, readers enjoy and anchor posts are great for SEO.

Learn new skills- about this blog

I’m big on leadership and training.  Simply stated, my loyal readers come to my blog to learn new skills.  When I coach and train, I always use the term “teachable moment” and here is what I mean.  I get hundreds of positive comments a week.  Some are surprised by the length of my posts, but even, then the comments go on to say how surprisingly easy it was to read through the article and more importantly, the content they got gave them the information they were searching for when they found my blog.

Learn new skills– searching for subjects of interest online

When you search online for any subject online, what you typically find are snippets of information, redirects to other sites, references to books on the subject, than if you are lucky, maybe  you find a couple of sites that deliver some basic information.    Studies show that a typical search can take you 20-30 minutes, some up to 3 hours, and usually what you are looking for isn’t found until around the 36th website or blog from the top of the list.   That is 2 pages away from the first page a search engine delivers.

When you get to my blog, you can be assured you will find the message and the content delivered in full. Some people don’t consider the time of the search in comparison to spending 10 minutes reading about what they look for.

Learn new skills-anchor post defined

Here’s the teachable moment.  The posts I provide are usually for high level skills or complicated subjects.  They require background and depth of information to provide the complete picture and storyline. In blogging we call these posts “anchor posts.”  They are typically more than 700 words and deliver both the content and the message.  If you have your own blog, you should write at least one anchor post a month.  The search engines really love anchor posts amd so will your readers.

I Hope this helps to shed some light on the length of the articles and why I can’t deliver them in 3-400 words like most blogs give you.  In an age of push buttons, quick fixes and scrolling bars, sometimes you just have to settle down and spend the time to learn what you want to know, once you finally find it.

So far, I have laid a solid foundation for you with previous posts in the areas of learning, thinking, innovation and creativity for generating great ideas.   Along with those posts, I also published a book that many of you have read called: Be Thinkful© – to help you:

  • Become a better thinker
  • Become better at problem solving and make better decisions
  • Become more creative and generate great ideas
  • Become better at influencing and persuading

Between the posts and the book, you now have access to all the basic skills you need to be more effective, more productive and more successful in your careers or in your business.  To piggy back on my last post on living your dream, you now have the tools to make living your dream a reality as well.

In the last post on living the American dream, I mentioned at the conclusion I would start to road map a blue print on how to live the American dream of owning your business and how with the right skills and performance tools you will flourish and be successful doing it.  After these next two posts on another critical high level skill set,  we will journey together into the World Wide Web, where you can showcase your new business passion or products, or we will help you reach new levels with your current online/online business: one pixel at a time.

I have one more post on the subject of influence and persuasion before that happens.  Don’t miss it.  Discover how important influence and perusasion is to your long term successes.  It inlcudes the 3 golden keys to unlocking your golden treasure.



Living Your Dream- Learn New Skills And Bring All Your Dreams With You

Living Your Dream

Living Your Dream- Bring All Your Dreams With You

Living Your Dream– Learn New Skills And Bring All Your Dreams With You

First of all, I’m not talking about dreams and dreaming as you do when you sleep.  Everyone dreams but some dream more than others.  In any event, that is not what this post is about.

Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.- T.E. Lawrence

Living your dream- do you remember? 

Do any of you remember when you first looked at the pictures from all your friends in your high school year book?  Many of those comments from friends said the same thing….”always follow your dreams”.  What happened to those dreams?  Do you remember them, do you still dream?

Maybe, just maybe, it’s time to follow our dreams and focus on the one dream that is most important to us in our lives.  Before we talk about that, let’s take a look at some of the more popular dreams and their respective themes.  They tend to be typical for a lot of people.

Living your dream- daydream themes. Check out this link for more insight: http://goodlifezen.com/

What you daydream about is almost always indicative of what you may really be feeling.  For most of us, it truly does reveal our unconscious thinking: our subconscious mind.  I saved the most popular dream for last, since it will get the most attention.  Below are some common dream themes with a brief description for each one:

  • Spiritual- to know oneself and or to believe in a higher being
  • Meaningful life- to have some purpose and be a positive contributor
  • Peace of mind- to know the meditative path to calmness, clarity and contentment
  • Self acceptance- the confidence with who you are and counting your blessings for what you have
  • Meaningful work- getting compensated for something you enjoy doing and where you can use  your skills to get ahead in life
  • Happiness- finding contentment and balance in life

That is a brief summary of the most common dreams most people have during their waking day.  If one of these themes has sparked your arousal, then follow that dream and you will flourish.   Here’s how I would approach them if they were my dreams.

Living your dream- a quick tip

Let’s choose happiness.  Who doesn’t want to be happy?  You can learn new skills that teach you how to be happy and how to be content with what you have; being content is one of the major keys to happiness.   Here’s why. If you are not content, then you are distracted by the next thing you want, that you don’t have.  If you think you will be happy after you get something, a new car, a spouse, a new job, a 2’ bigger boat or whatever, you’re never going to find real happiness.

As soon as you get what you thought would make you happy, you are on to the next distraction; the next “if I can just get this, then I know I will be happy” distraction cycle.  You need to find contentment.  That is just a fact of life.

The second key to finding happiness is controlling your internal conversations.  You know what I mean.  The ones you carry on with yourself.  Many times these are negative conversations that due nothing to spark happiness.  You should read The Meditative Path.  It gives you great insight into the subject of finding peace and contentment; the two keys and road to true happiness.  Actually, it is one of the best books I have ever read and very easy to understand and practice.  If you are interested in a copy, I think it’s only available from the Thesophical Society in Geneva Illinois-bookstore. I’ve provided a link to the Society- I do not have any affiliation with them, nor do I earn a commission of any sort.  Point is: there are plenty of books on the subject of happiness…read them of that is your dream.

Now It’s time to bring out the most popular daydream of all, and it really is no surprise:  It’s “Living the American Dream”.

Bring all your dreams- living the American Dream has many different meanings for different people:

1-Living the American dream-living in America where you have your freedom, work hard and you are able to get ahead in life has always been the American dream

2- Living the American Dream- for some of us it means owning your own house, but the bud on that flower has withered for now.  It will come back as a popular dream again soon

3- Living the American dream for others simply means being retired and being financially independent and free of the day to day work grind

4- Living the American dream for most of us and this is the most popular dream of all: being your own boss and owning your own business; stands out as the clear winner for most of our dreams and here is some proof:

Young People Want to Be Their Own Boss and desire to follow their dreams. The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation commissioned Harris Interactive ®  http://www.kauffman.org/  to conduct a survey of 2,438 U.S. young people ages 8 to 21.  In my generation, we dreams of being cowboys.  That’s just the way it was.  Today, t an early age, we dream and aspire to have our own business and it continues to bloom throughout life for most of us.

The results of this survey reveals that everyone, especially youth’s, want to be their own boss and they hope to make that real life dream a reality.  Here are the stats:

  • 4 in 10 young people have or would like to start their own business
  • 27 percent of 8- to 21-year-olds would like to start a company.

Those who want to have their own business say their top reasons are:

  • 91% to use their skills and abilities and to build something for their future
  • 89 % want to be their own boss and want their dreams realized

Live the dream- a quick start plan

Do you still have a dream?  Do you want to start fulfilling your dream and living it?  Then start by giving your dream mental energy.  The more you think about something, the more it grows, the more it grows, the more it takes on a life of its own. With enough mental energy, you too can live your dream.  Remember that, because mental energy can also work in the reverse.  If you have a problem and continue to give it a lot of mental energy, it also grows, maybe even out of perspective.  That is why you dwell on the positives and you give appropriate time to the negatives.  Just don’t dwell on them.

Remember this.  If you quit dreaming you’re going to miss one of the best parts of life.  The hope for a better you, the promise of a better future and a chance for you to live your dream come true.  Some say even a small part of you dies when you quit dreaming.

Maybe it’s time to start living your dreams and begin to make them a reality.  Go ahead…give them the mental energy they deserve, you may surprise yourself !!!

If living the American dream is a dream come true for you, then you will want to stay tuned, start the buzz and tell your friends around the water cooler there is way more coming on the subject of living the American dream for owning your own business, sustaining your dreams and flourishing in the process.  You will learn that with the rights skills and tools and with the help of the internet as you friend, ally and partner, you too can live the American dream of owning your own business.

George Napoli is both an author of several books: Be Thinkful© for thinking and generating great ideas as well as the author of Drinks for Diabetics, Dieter and Designated Drivers-solutions for low carb beverages. He is also an entrepreneur having coached and trained thousands of employees and entrepreneurs in high level skill sets in Leadership, Six Sigma, Management Training and a wide range of high level- life changing skill sets like thinking, creativity and innovation and change.  He is a Professional Internet Marketer and hold Masters Certificates in Human Resource Development, Strategic Organizational Leadership and a Master Black Belt in Six Sigma, all from Villanova University.

This post is property of Learn New Skills Blog.  You may reproduce this post only in its entirety, including resource information and maintaining active links.
