Learning New Skills-Internet Marketing Starting At The Beginning

Learn the basics of internet marketing an introduction

Learn the basics of internet marketing

Learning New Skills- explaining internet marketing

In simple terms, using one word and the only best explanation is “traffic”.  Internet marketing is all about increasing traffic, which is online exposure, attracting new customers and ultimately converting customers online and offline through contents.  You write content and you internet market for the sole purpose of improving traffic by educating your prospects, or helping them learn something and hopefully converting this traffic we call prospects into customers so a business can increase revenue and profits.

In learning new skills, no matter what you understand from this point forward, you must get this concept as simple as it is.  Internet marketing is about driving traffic and attracting customers.  Knowing this, removes the mystique about a confusing term that carries a lot of extra baggage, by using industry terms such as: SEO, SEM, and on and on ad nasueum.  These are all means to an end and that end is traffic.  As we continue down the path of internet marketing, you will be learning new skills and all the terms used by internet marketers to drive traffic, better yet, to attract customers.

Learning New Skills– internet marketing origins

Beginning from the early 1990s Internet marketing made an amazing development from simple text-based websites that offered product information into highly evolved and complete online businesses promoting and selling their services on the Internet.

Nowadays, the Internet marketing industry has become a complicated and branchy science involving a great deal of theoretical knowledge in combination with applied techniques. As a science, it ranges from browser-side and server-side programming and coding on one end to marketing and economics on the other.

Learning New Skills- another meaning to get the full picture of internet marketing

Internet marketing means the use of the Internet to advertise and sell goods and services. It includes Banner and Text Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Interactive Advertising, Affiliate Marketing and Search Engine Marketing (including Search Engine Optimization and Pay-Per-Click Advertising).

Learning new skills- top 5 reason to learn internet marketing

  1. Learning new skills- internet marketing- 31% of all online businesses want more traffic
  2. Learning new skills- internet marketing-it’s the top skill set for all successful businesses online
  3. Learning new skills- internet marketing- 65% of all consumer go to the internet to find local companies offline
  4. Learning new skills- internet marketing- the internet is growing faster with new businesses being added daily
  5. Learning new skills- internet marketing- is all about attracting customers by driving traffic to your site

Along our journey to learning new skills like internet marketing, we will learn all about these individual strategies.  Covering each element will be like a piece of a jig saw puzzle.  Each new component we cover is like adding another piece to the puzzle.  Eventually we add enough pieces that the picture of internet marketing will start to take shape.  Sometimes it takes the last piece for the picture to become perfectly clear, so be patient.  Be patient while you learn new skills.

Learn New Skills Blog Resource Box

George Napoli is both an author: Be Thinkful©, as well as an entrepreneur having coached and trained thousands of employees and entrepreneurs in high level skill sets in Leadership, Six Sigma, Management Training and a wide range of high level- life changing skill sets like thinking, creativity and innovation and change.  I am a Professional Blogger and Professional Internet Marketer.  I am fortunate to hold Masters Certificates in Human Resource Development, Strategic Organizational Leadership and a Master Black Belt in Six Sigma, all from Villanova University.

This post is property of Learn New Skills Blog.  You may reproduce this post; Learning New Skills-Internet Marketing Starting At The Beginning only in its entirety, including resource information and maintaining active links.


New Skills- The 7 Criteria To Determine If Your Business Has The Power To Generate Great Wealth

Blue Print by Learn New Skills

New Skills- determine if your business meets the 7 criteria to generate great wealth

New Skills- The 7 Criteria To Determine If Your Business Has The Power To Generate Great Wealth

New Skills– skills defined again in broad terms

Let’s refresh our memory about what a new skill is again.  A skill is the ability to use one’s knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance.  Learning new skills like determining if your business concept can generate great wealth is just as important as having accounting knowledge and skills to manage the cash of your business.  Maybe even more important, since you can always hire these basic types of skill sets, but making the determination about the true success of your business model is a new skill you want to possess upfront, not after the fact.

New Skills- Can My Business Model Generate Great Wealth? 

So you want to know if your business concept or current business can provide you great wealth.  Will it be hugely successful, or just another ho hum business that drains your energy, sucks up all your free time and provides little return for your efforts?  Or can it at least generate the income you desire to live the life style you choose?

Learn New Skills– a blueprint for generating great wealth in a business

So now you’re asking yourself, is there a blueprint to determine all of this?  Can I find the criteria all in one place and know it will actually determine my success in business?

Well my good listeners, the answer is categorically yes, if you can in fact pass the litmus test.  In fact, I’m so sure that if you can answer yes to any 6 of the 7 questions, I will jump in with you, both feet to joint venture that success if you need help.  Or I will point you in the right direction, to get the help you need.

Before we move forward, let’s look back at history and see what has prevailed in the past and you will see that having the right criteria is essential, no matter what idea or concept you have.

New Skills –statistics tell another story

Typically, approximately 50 % of all business ventures fail in the first year. This number has also been held to increase dramatically in the first five years of running a business, when the number is claimed to rise to as high as 90 to 95 %.

The numbers from the latest research conducted by the Small Business Administration tell a different and more encouraging story. According to the SBA, about two-thirds, or 66 percent last past the first two years, leaving only a third of businesses that fail within these two years. Extended to four years, the number of surviving businesses decreases to only 44 percent, meaning that about 56 percent of businesses fail at the five-year mark.  That is a big difference from the 90 to 95 % previously claimed.  So there is hope.

New Skills- The 7 Criteria Required For A Business To Generate Great Wealth

  1. Is it formulaic- is it a proven formula that others have used to generate great wealth
  2. Does it have large business scope- meaning it is scalable to large proportions: regionally, nationally, globally
  3. High Margins- in excess of 2-3 times cost at a minimum
  4. Low startup investment- based on affordability to you
  5. Professional license required- such as Engineer, medical or professional
  6. Revolutionary- your product or service has never been seen or used before
  7. New, unique and effective- a better twist on something that others have seen or used before, only much more improved

New Skills- The answer yes to 6 of the 7 criteria to generate great wealth

Now, take an unbiased look at your business or business concept.  Chances are if you can’t answer yes to any 6 of these criteria, your opportunity to generate great wealth are significantly diminished.  If that is the case, see what you can do to change your business model so that you can answer yes to these criteria if you want to generate great wealth.

New Skills-  what if I fall short

If you cannot answer yes to 6 of these questions, maybe your business model still have the potential to generate the income your desire to support your lifestyle.  Do what you can to revise the model and address each of the criteria one at a time.  That will surely you give you the best chances for superior results.

Learn New Skills Blog Resource Box

George Napoli is both an author: Be Thinkful©, as well as an entrepreneur having coached and trained thousands of employees and entrepreneurs in high level skill sets in Leadership, Six Sigma, Management Training and a wide range of high level- life changing skill sets like thinking, creativity and innovation and change.  I am a Professional Blogger and Professional Internet Marketer.  I am fortunate to hold Masters Certificates in Human Resource Development, Strategic Organizational Leadership and a Master Black Belt in Six Sigma, all from Villanova University.

This post is property of Learn New Skills Blog.  You may reproduce this post; New Skills- The 7 Criteria To Determine If Your Business Has The Power To Generate Great Wealth only in its entirety, including resource information and maintaining active links.


New Skills-Influence And Persuasion: Three Golden Keys And More- 2nd Post

New Skills- 3 Golden Keys to Influence and Persuasion

New Skills- 3 Golden Keys to Influence and Persuasion

New Skills-Influence And Persuasion:  Three Golden Keys And More

New skills- Influence and persuasion an important skill set part 2

In our first post, we mentioned how important it is to learn new skills like influence and persuasion.  We also laid the groundwork and basics for the subject of influence and persuasion.  To keep that post length a little shorter, we broke it into 2 parts.

In this post we will show you the:

  • 3 golden keys to influence and persuasion
  • Modern techniques that makes you effective
  • The insight to the performance tools Presentation Master you can use In my first attempt at trying to sell a product

New skillsInfluence and persuasion a quick review: what’s the difference again?

The American Heritage Dictionary defines manipulation: “Shrewd or devious management, especially for one’s own advantage”.  This is most fitting when discussing the difference between influence and persuasion compared to manipulation.   There is no way we can leave this difference out of the article.

With influence and persuasion, it’s all about the opportunity for two people to come together on an opinion that is mutually beneficial. No one wins if someone loses and manipulation or hard selling tactics is not effective long term. In order for you to be successful long term with selling your thoughts and ideas, it has to be a win-win.

New skills- influence and persuasion the 3 golden keys:

  1. The emotional connection
  2. Trust
  3. Listeners point of view

New skills- Influence and persuasion the emotional connection is the 1st key

Do you have trouble getting your thoughts or ideas across? When you speak, do others listen to you, or do you feel your listener wandering?

Effective influence and persuasion is basic communications for “convincing” others.  This new skill is essential in business and everyday life. According to Bert Decker’s book: “You Have To Be Believed To Be Heard”, the most powerful communications reaches not only the mind but also the heart. I highly recommend this book for persuading and influencing others.

Influence and persuasion- trust is the 2nd key

It comes down to a simple question. Who will they trust?  At the end of the day, it always comes down to trust.  Do you trust them, or not?  Do you believe what they are saying, or not?  Is this person credible, or not?

Trust is so valuable that we spend our entire lives building trust and credibility, and rightfully so.  The more effective we are in doing that, the more successful you will be when it comes to influence and persuasion.

Influence and persuasion- listener’s point of view is the 3nd key

OK listeners, listen up!!!.  This is 2012, hardly a new year by now.  Get this right and you will have a happy new year.  The “listeners’ point of view is the foundation, cornerstone and starting point for influence and persuasion.   When you get this right and have the other two keys in place…it’s like presto.  Being effective at influence and persuasion opens the golden treasures to being more successful, more productive and more valuable….and more influential.  You are what we call- a person of influence.

In the next generation of influence and persuasion, it’s not really about you.  No one cares that you have a great idea.  Nobody is really interested in the products you sell.  When you get the right perspective on how to influence and persuade, you will be more effective and more successful at it.

You must know and understand your listener.  When you start off with “I have this great (product or idea or whatever the situation) I know you will like”, you just triggered the self preservation mechanism I discussed in the first post.  If your listener hasn’t already said no, he is already thinking no.

New skills- influence and persuasion is all about knowing your listener

In business you need to identify what they call the pain, or problem area:  When you know your listener, you know what:

  • Keeps them from falling asleep?
  • They are they really concerned about?
  • Frustrates them?
  • They are angry about and who are they angry with?
  • What they have to do and must do in their business to succeed or to grow it to the next level

In your personal lives, you identify the pleaser:  When you know your listener, you know what:

  • They truly desire most?
  • Excites your listener?
  • Appeals to them being happy?

New skills-influence and persuasion answering the two most important questions

Since influence and persuasion is used in both our everyday lives and in business, I will give you approaches to both perspectives.  When you can identify the top two pains of your listener, you are ready to start your presentation for the business perspective.  When you can identify the top two pleasers for your listener, you are ready to start your presentation for the personal perspective.

A quick comment on presentations.  A presentation is how you get others to understand and accept your ideas. In simple terms, it has an

  • Opening- with the listener’s point of view
  • Body- what you are trying to get others to understand or accept your ideas on
  • Benefits- why this solves the pain or pleaser
  • Answers to objections- why the benefits solve the issues
  • Call to action- to do something by a certain date

Here are the simple steps to influence and persuasion for a successful presentation and in this sequence.

  1. Start with the listeners point of view
  2. Show them how benefits solve the problem
  3. Prepare a list of objections that they will most likely have
  4. Summarize the listeners point of view again
  5. Have them take the action you want by a certain time frame.

Here are two examples.  The first is convincing someone on a new idea you have, the second is convincing your friends that Saturday night dinner is at the place you want to go, even though everyone has their favorite spot in mind.

Selling your idea on a new product you developed:  “Dan I know you want to attract new markets and increase your company’s profits.  New products are the heart beat of every company, especially when they appeal to your target customers and meet your profit objectives.  My idea will help you deliver those customers and add more profit to your bottom line.  You may be thinking, how can I afford to develop new products or spend money to buy them.  Dan, you don’t have to, in fact you don’t even need to buy my super widget product.  We can do a joint venture, and I will make 8% on any sales you make and I will help you to market it.”  We need a short follow up meeting to review the concept.”  Think you may get a yes here?

Selling your friends on your dinner location:

“Hey Tom and Mary.  I know you guys love the hustle and bustle in a white table cloth establishment.  And Carl and Rose, you just mentioned you love fine Italian.  Honey, we should think about Napoli’s Fine Classic Italian restaurant Saturday night.  Now I know everyone is thinking of their favorite spots, but tonight seems like it should be special, different and upbeat.  It’s not the last supper- a little humor, and this place is really heating up in the news!  I will handle the reservations for six at 8 PM.”   I think you made a good case and would likely convince the group.

Influence and persuasion- high performance tools- The Presentation



In my book Be Thinkful, I include a template tool for making presentations.  It’s called The Presentation Master.  It starts with the listener’s point of view.  The Presentation Master is included as a free bonus for buying the book and comes with an easy to use worksheet and excel template you can use for every presentation you make.  The book is $7.95.

Good luck with learning new skills like influence and persuasion.  If you get this skill right, your dreams will come true.

George Napoli is both an author: Be Thinkful©, as well as an entrepreneur having coached and trained thousands of employees and entrepreneurs in high level skill sets in Leadership, Six Sigma, Management Training and a wide range of high level- life changing skill sets like thinking, creativity and innovation and change.  I am a Professional Blogger and Professional Internet Marketer.  I am fortunate to hold Masters Certificates in Human Resource Development, Strategic Organizational Leadership and a Master Black Belt in Six Sigma, all from Villanova University.

This post is property of Learn New Skills Blog.  You may reproduce this post; New Skills-Influence And Persuasion:  Three Golden Keys And More only in its entirety, including resource information and maintaining active links.


Learn New Skills Development Strategies For 2012


Learn New Skills Development Strategies For 2012

Skill Development Strategies- Learn New Skills

Learn New Skills-Skill Development Strategies

OK learn new skills Bloggers’ and Listeners’.  We are ready to wrap up 2011 and have set our eyes on the New Year for learning new skills.

Learn new skills– reflective thinking

Reflective thinking is looking to the past. Reflective thinking involves personal consideration of one’s own learning.  It considers personal achievements and failures and asks what worked, what didn’t.  I wrote an entire post on it so you can always review it for more details…it’s time to move on.

Learn new skills- what did we learn in 2011

Thinking and creativity are two essential skill sets for improving performance, getting ahead, getting hired and getting promoted.

Learn new skills-what did we accomplish

Value Drivers-improve your business or personal proposition

Value Drivers-improve your business or personal proposition

We set the foundation on “Value Drivers” for individuals and entrepreneurs to be able to create their own personal branding and business brands by enhancing their value proposition.  Personal branding is the hottest strategy and trends for the coming New Year.  Remember that for next year.

We got the message out that companies are looking for great thinkers.  They hire more of them and pay them better.

We showed you the keys to become a great thinker including several high level posts on specific thinking strategies.

We think we hit the nail on the head with a HIGH A by delivering the top 50 free websites for skills and performance tools in the following categories:

  • Education
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Free Publicity
  • Social Media
  • Internet Marketing

Learn new skills- where did we come up short

Our strategies are focused on skills and tools for improving performance for employees, managers and entrepreneurs.  We think we got that right.  We think our top 50 free websites starts to address the missing component for our complete strategy.

Learn new skills-completing our strategy

Learn new skills will also be focusing on entrepreneurs that either have or are planning to have an offline or online businesses and want to improve their online marketing performance.

Our approach to these loyal listeners will be what we call…improving your online marketing performance 1 pixel at a time.  We prefer the ripple effect for sustained long term effectiveness, versus the big splash.

We will be offering affordable internet skills and tools for these entrepreneurs at our new internet skills and tools website.  The real thrust of our efforts for the New Year on this site is strictly to improve your internet skills and provide high performance internet tools for internet marketing.

You can only truly serve one master…so we are choosing blogging and WordPress as the key platform to all of our offline/online marketing efforts.
The tools are easy to use and the skills are even easier to learn.  In the above paragraph, we mentioned our new internet skills and tools website.  We
are featuring a bundled product that includes 60 videos on learning everything
you need to know about WordPress and an info book on blogging for cash: how to monetize your blog and or how to make money with your new blog is you want to.

These two products are a great way for beginners and advanced bloggers to really get their arms around the world of blogging and WordPress.  You can buy them both for only $7.95 at http://www.internetskillsandtools.com/ now.

Learn new skills-a look into our blogging calendar for 2012

Here is a short list of posts coming in 2012 to help you learn new skills:

  • Innovation can change your life- this will come out just before New Years.
  • What is drive-what motivates us?
  • Motivation- the heart of self improvement
  • Develop your intuition
  • Learn new skills-what can time management bring to yourself improvement
  • More on self improvement strategies and tips and learn new skills
  • Showcasing-a proprietary online marketing strategy focused on how to set up your offline/online business for the price of a good dinner in a moderately priced restaurant; includes the 5 simple steps to the how and where to do it.  I predict we can teach you everything you need to know and do for an initial investment of less than $50: maybe even less than $35, with an annual operating expense of less than $100 all in.  You won’t want to miss that.  If you follow our showcasing strategy, I will show the inside secrets for creating your own products, or info products and the keys to becoming an effective affiliate marketer and make commissions on another company’s products.
  • Offline/Online Marketers-Hostgator: it’s all in the web hosting service, and the inside strategies and keys to their high level internet performance tools.
  • Contrary to what you have heard: content is the medium and relationships are king
  • Influence and persuasion- how to get others to understand and accept your ideas

Before I close, I think it’s time to ask you if there is something special you want to learn about or if there is a special problem you need help with.  You can either post it or email us at info@learnskillsets.com.  Also, if you have any ideas, suggestions or thoughts to help us improve what we do or help you, just let us know.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and Happy Holidays to you and we wish you a healthy and prosperous New Year for 2012.  We think 2012 looks very promising for you to learn new skills, enhance your skill development strategies and to improve your personal or offline/online business dreams, goals and aspirations.
