Learn New Skills-
The REAL VALUE Of Thinking And Creativity
Learn new skills-The real value of thinking
When you learn new skills like thinking skills, here is what happens. Great thinking produces the groundwork for great results. You just can’t have performance and great results without better thinking. Poor thinking creates negative consequences, and average thinking produces simply no improvements or progress.
Great thinking generates great improvements in your performance and progress. Great thinking combined with great ideas releases a person’s real potential. Good thinking generates more good thinking for those who turn it into a practice. That’s exactly how you start to become a great thinker.
“An invasion of armies could be resisted, but never an invasion of ideas”
Learn new skills- thinking should be obvious to us
The REAL VALUE of great thinking, generating ideas and the ability to sell yourself and influence others should be apparent to all of us. It’s hard to advance without it, and it’s even harder to be successful, or to earn life changing income, without being a better thinker.
Here’s why. Unsuccessful individuals concentrate their thinking on existing and surviving. How can you generate ideas when you are merely trying to get by? When you learn new skills like thinking and creativity, you understanding the effects associated with changing your thinking, and you are more inclined to improve your thinking skills.
Learn new skills-improve your thinking and creativity
1. Improved thinking creates the base line for good results
2. Poor thinking only creates negative results
3. Average thinking produces little to no progress
4. Good thinking improves your chances for success
5. Great thinking produces greater performance, success and income
Only when a person makes the proper changes and improvements to their thinking do things change, and turn out better for them. That’s when you can start to understand better, think better, and generate great ideas for your company or yourself.
Learn new skills-change your thinking
Improving your thinking is all about changing attitudes and beliefs.
Change is a personal thing- “I would really want to change.” Change is really possible-“I am able to change.” Change is profitable- “I’ll be rewarded by change.”
Changing your beliefs, changes your expectations. Changing your expectations, changes your attitude. Changing your attitude changes your behavior. Changing your behavior changes your performance.
When you learn a new skill like thinking, this is what happens. Changing your performance, changes your life…and this my friends is exactly how you become successful and produce life changing income!
Thinking and creativity go hand and hand. The more creative you are the better thinker you are. Here is an inside look at creativity and the skills you develop as you become more creative.
1. Learn new skills like-Curiosity
When you learn new skills like creativity, you start to ask ‘why’, ‘what if’ and ‘I wonder…’ are great questions to build into your life if you want to be a more creative person. Learn new skills like creativity to be more employable is one great benefit. Companies like creative people.
2. Learn new skills to-Finding the FUN in Problems
The biggest problem is that we often see problems or obstacles in life as unacceptable parts of life. We avoid pain or suppress it when it comes and in doing so, we don’t often see and feel symptoms that are there to tell us something important. Creative people see problems as a natural and normal part of life – in fact they often have a fascination with problems and are drawn to them. That is why creativity and thinking go hand in hand.
3. Learn new skills to Confront Challenge
Most of the most creative ideas through-out history have come from people facing a challenge or crisis and rather than running from it asking ‘how can I overcome this’?
4. Learn new skills for- Constructive Discontent
Creativity and creative people often have an acute awareness of what’s wrong with the world around them – however they are constructive about this awareness and won’t allow themselves to get bogged down in grumbling about it – they take their discontent and let it be a motivation to doing something constructive.
5. Learn new skills for Being Positive
Learning creative skills gives you a unique attitude and belief that most (if not all) problems can be solved. No challenge is too big to be overcome and no problem cannot be solved (this doesn’t mean they’re always happy or never depressed – but they don’t generally get stumped by a challenge).
6. Learn new skills for Suspending Judgment
As you start learning creative skills, you begin to hold off on judging or critiquing an idea is important in the process of creativity. Often great ideas start as crazy ones – if critique is applied too early the idea will be killed and never developed into something useful and useable. (note – this doesn’t mean there is never a time for critique or judgment in the creative process – it’s actually key – but there is a time and place for it).
7. Learn new skills- Obstacles Lead To Innovation, Improvement & Solutions
This subject is similar to the example above, but by ‘hurdles’ I mean problems and mistakes in the creative process itself. Sometimes it’s on the journey of developing an idea that the real magic happens and it’s often out of the little problems or mistakes that the idea is actually improved.
8. Learn new skills- Stick With It-Ness
Creative people who actually see their ideas come to fruition have the ability to stick with their ideas and see them through – even when the going gets tough. This is what sets apart the great from the good in this whole sphere. Stick-ability is key.
9. Learn new skills to develop-Flexible Imagination
It’s fun watching a truly creative person at work when they’re ‘on fire’. They have this amazing ability to see a problem or challenge and it’s many potential solutions simultaneously and they have an intuitive knack at being able to bring previously disconnected ideas together in flashes of brilliance that seem so simple – yet which are so impossible to dream up for the average person.
Is Creativity tied to Personality A Trait or Can it be Learned?
As I read through this list of traits of creative people – the question that I know the answer to is whether creativity is tied to personality type or whether it can be learned?
Yes creativity is a learning skill.
Some people are just creative – they don’t train themselves to think like they do and they often don’t even know that they are any different from the rest of us – it’s just who they are.
However, we can all enhance our ability to be creative over time when learning new skills. When you learn new skills like our thinking and creativity skill sets, you will really become a creative type.
If you want to become successful and live at a new level, you have to be more creative and think at a new level. Learning skills and using the life changing skill sets associated with Be Thinkful© is the right product for you, and the right time for you to start learning how to think and understand better, be more creative and yes…even generate great ideas.