Top 50 Best Free Websites 2011 Skills And Performance Tools/Top 10 Free Entrepreneur Resources Online

Awards Badge Top 50 Free Wesbites 2011Skills And Performance Tools/Top 10 Free Entrepreneur Resources Online

Awards Badge Top 50 Free Wesbites 2011Skills And Performance Tools/Top 10 Free Entrepreneur Resources Online

Top 50 Best Free Websites 2011 Skills And Performance Tools/ Top 10 Free Entrepreneur Resources Online

Continuing with our count down to the top 50 list.

Let’s start with a quote that pretty much sums up the world of  entrepreneur’s.  I’ve been using this anonymous quote since the first day I saw it over 20 years ago.

“Entrepreneurs live the first half of their lives like most people won’t, so they can live the second half of their lives like most people can’t.” 

Free entrepreneur resources- a little about the publisher

As an entrepreneur and leader, I always lead by example.  I feel fortunate to have learned later in life the value of education.  I don’t bring this up to brag but to show you a passion for learning skills.  I went through The Wharton Program Executive
Education and a Harvard Program on New Business Development- where I earned what they called Sheep Skins.

In my last three years of my employment agreement on my buy out, besides implementing a new learning initiative, I completely retooled my own core disciplines and skill sets.  I hold these Masters Certificates: Master Black Belt Six Sigma, Masters in Human Resource Development and Masters in Strategic Organizational Leadership- all from Villanova University.

I have to admit, I’ve pretty much failed at retirement.  One has to have a sense of purpose and meaning and golfing, boating and fishing didn’t quite do it for me.  I’ve since launched several new online businesses, and the one I launched in 2008 is currently selling products nationally and in over 27 countries, with over 175 sales consultants and affiliates.

Now let’s dig into the world entrepreneurs.  Most entrepreneurs, especially young
entrepreneurs and small businesses are strapped for cash.  We call that the Catch 22.  They have no cash and few resources, yet they are looking for all the same products and services that big companies use.

It is important to look professional yet also squeeze every penny when starting out, in order to be effective and successful.  As an Entrepreneur, you need to:

  1. acquire knowledge and learn new skills
  2. use high level performance tools to become effective
  3. have access to internet tools for online marketing

These 3 components will allow you to grow either an online or offline business.

Here are the best top 10 free entrepreneur resources online for 2011.  These free resources are known to be trusted authority sites. They will help you with the startup days of your venture and help you grow and manage your business to the next level. This is the second category to the top 50 count down, published
in reverse order.  this group starts at # 31 of 40 with # 1 winner in free entrepreneur resources online.

# 1 Winnner Top 50 Free Websites 2001/Top 10 Free Entrepreneur Resources Online
# 1 Winnner Top 50 Free Websites 2001/Top 10 Free Entrepreneur Resources Online

# 1 Ranked Free Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011 And Ranked 31 Out of 50- Mint

For entrepreneurs, it’s all about cash flow, cash, or lack of it.  No matter what your situation, when it comes to money, cash is king, and this is one of the best free ways to manage your money.  Mint brings all your financial
accounts together online or on your mobile device, automatically categorizes your transactions, lets you set budgets and helps you achieve your savings goals.   What you need, when you need it.  Mint pulls all your financial accounts into one place. Set a budget, track your goals and do more with your money, for free!   That’s what smart, prudent, successful business owners do.

# 32 Ranked Free Entrepreneur Resources  Online For 2011 – SBA Small Business

If you are thinking of starting up, then start  here.  When it comes to training
and support for new entrepreneurs and small business owners, you can’t beat
this site.  They have tons of free  information on this site to train and coach you along the way.  They even provide coaching and mentoring  programs as well.  You can’t beat the SBA  when it comes to free and entrepreneurs.  Don’t forget them for small business loans either.

# 33 Free Entrepreneur Resources  Online For 2011-EVERNOTE

Talk about a high level performance tools…this is  some free site with a mobile application to boot.  I use it to make electronic saved notes for  everything.  Know what that means? Now  you can save your ideas,  things you like, things you hear, and things you see right on your phone or  laptop.  Evernote works with nearly every  computer, phone and mobile device out there.  Find things fast with keyword searches is a great feature.  Here are a few of the ways I use it.  I keep all my notes on any subject and
project online.  No worries about losing  them with hard disk crashes or backups. Back-up is automatic.  I typically access it from my smart phone  where I keep my notes with me.  I keep all my online order confirmations in  Evernote, and I always have a record of everything I purchase  online with the help of Evernote.   You  will love this performance tool.

# 34 Free Entrepreneur Resources Online  For 2011-Mail Chimp

You can’t be in business today without e-mail.  MailChimp helps you design email newsletters,  share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and  track your results.  It’s like your own  personal publishing platform.  Their
Forever Plan is free and will accommodate you until you reach scale.

# 35 Free Entrepreneur Resources  Online For 2011-Google Alerts 

Want to know if others are talking about you or your  company, or do you want to keep your ears to the floor on special topics that  could impact your business?  ThenGoogle
Alerts is for you.  Its service is content  change detection and notification, offered by the search engine company Google,  that automatically notifies users when new content from news, web, blogs, video  and/or discussion groups matches a set of search terms selected by the user and  stored by the Google Alerts service.. One of the keys to success is to research  and monitor everything! Alerts is a great service to track when a keyword is  mentioned online. Set them up for your name and your business. You can also set  it up for industry words to track news and updates in your field. You want to
know when someone mentions your company so you can respond accordingly and this
service delivers that notice right to your inbox.

#36 Free Entrepreneur Resources Online  For 2011–

Business ideas and trends  from Entrepreneur Magazine. This site provides the latest news, expert advice,  and growth strategies for small business owners.  Learn how to
write a business plan for success, or find hundreds of full or part time  business ideas.  You can even find  franchise opportunities and small business franchises, as well as learn  everything you need to know on starting a small business…FREE.

# 37 Free Entrepreneur Resources  Online For 2011-  The 500 Group.Com

OK, this one I have to come clean on.  This is my new business development site for
entrepreneurs and inventors.  But it is  loaded with free information on growth strategies, and core disciplines for  small businesses, inventors and entrepreneurs.
It also includes great insight in the areas of the lost art: marketing,  licensing, finance and entrepreneuring.  This site has one of the best dictionaries for basic marketing terms and  venture capital terms online.  Hey, it’s  free and extremely useful.

# 38 Free Entrepreneur Resources  Online For 2011  –Survey Monkey ( 

Market Research Surveys Made Easy.  All of the Fortune 100 use SurveyMonkey, and
hundreds of thousands of individuals use our market research surveys before launching
a new company, product, or service, or before introducing new pricing.  Want to know what your customers really want  and need?  Just ask them and survey
them.    This is an awesome free site for you.  If you think about this tool, put a little creative  juices behind it, it could be a great resource for you in creating new products
and services.

# 39 Free Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011-Mindtools

This website touts essential  skills for an excellent career.  It goes
way further than that if you are an entrepreneur.  This website is seamless.  Click on any of their skills and your  information is right there for you.  From  Leadership Skills, Team Management,  Strategy Tools,  Problem Solving,  Decision Making,  Project Management,  Time Management,  Stress Management, Communication Skills, Creativity  Tools, Information Skills, Career Skills.  I call these high level skill sets.
This is a phenomenal site and gets a high rating in another category as  well.  This is the only website that gets  an expose’ in two categories…my hats off to them.  Enough

 # 40 Free Entrepreneur Resources  Online For 2011- U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office (

Want to know what a patent is? A patent is an  intellectual property right granted by the Government of the United States of  America to an inventor.   Then there are rademarks.  Trademark Office of the USPTO handles trademarks only.  Any startup company needs to be familiar with  this sight for preliminary checks on trademarks and patents.  Always seek professional help but these are  great screening tools if you are familiar with how they work. I always use this  tool for checking product names to make sure some other genius isn’t already  using what I just came up with.

Top 10 Reasons To Use Top 10 Free Entrepreneur  Resources Online For 2011:

  1. 1.  Use Free  Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011:  the more you learn, the more you know.  The more you know, the better you perform.
  2. Use Free Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011:  learning where to look is half the battle and  we solved that problem.
  3. Use Free Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011:  they’re totally FREE
  4. Use Free Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011:  your competition will use them.
  5. Use Free Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011:  great entrepreneur’s are great leaders and  great leaders are always learning and just love free resources.
  6. Use Free Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011:  to grow your business to the next level.
  7. Use Free Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011: to grow  personally and professionally.
  8. Use Free Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011:  to launch a new business.
  9. Use Free Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011: to learn all  about being an entrepreneur, a top performing one at that.
  10. Use Free  Entrepreneur Resources Online For 2011:

    everything relating to business and free resources.

Brought to you by top 50 best free websites 2011 skills and performance tools




Thinking Skills- Reflective Thinking: Learn New Skills From The Inside Out

Reflecting and refelctive thinking

Looking from the inside out with reflectve thinking

Thinking Skills-

Learn new skills from the inside out

Here is a great opening quote on learning thinking skills on reflection and reflective thinking

When it came to thinking skills, Confucius said it best…

…”By three methods we may learn wisdom 1st, by reflection, which is noblest; 2nd by imitation, which is easiest; and 3rd by experience, which is bitter sweet.” – Confucius

Thinking skills-history repeats itself

They say history repeats itself. Lessons from the past are one of the smartest thinking tools you can use.  Embracing the lessons from the past is what “reflection” and reflective thinking skills are all about. When you reflect, you draw on past experiences. Drawing on past experiences puts things in perspective and sheds a new light on the teachings and lessons learned.

Thinking skills-reflective thinking turns experience into insight”

Having been through something once, gives you a sense of confidence that experience teaches.  We call these “AHA” moments-teachable moments.   Thinking skills like reflection and reflecting is a sure fire way to jump start any thinking process. When you reflect on something you get to see the entire picture.  The good, the bad, the ugly. You can learn something from both positive and negative perspectives, so don’t turn your back to the negative side of the lesson.

Here is a pointed quote for you on experience on thinking skills- “Those that forget the past are condemned to relive it”

When you look at both the positive and negative side of a coin using reflective thinking skills, it has a unique way to take a bad experience and turns it into a valuable one. Do not miss the opportunity to get something of value from it.

Thinking skills-two sides of the coin

It’s easy and fun to pull the wisdom from a positive experience. A good experience is the most valuable. Having done it once successfully, you should be able to repeat the positive experience. To ensure that you get the same results with the next new experience, ask yourself these questions:

Was there one big factor in the experience, and what role did it play in the solution and outcome?

What was the one negative thing about the experience, how could I have prevented it, more importantly, what lesson did I learn?

  • What steps did I take?
  • What questions would I have asked if I had another expereince similar to it?
  • What was my biggest surprise?
  • What could I have done differently to improve the results?
  • What did I learn?
  • What could I have done to improve the past experience?

Thinking skills- exploring the past

Exploring the past is definitely inspirational. It also provides integrity to your thinking, and most important of all, it puts the past experience into true perspective. You can use this thinking tool for any challenge. You can also use it to just sit back and reflect, you will be surprised what you learn.

Here is a practice exercise that is simple to do. Think back in time, and then think through these different subjects-one at a time:

  • Opportunities
  • Family
  • Career
  • Hobby
  • Goals
  • Giving
  • Short Comings
  • Problems
  • Work

You can also use this thinking skills tool and strategy to think about any scenarios to see if you experienced something similar in the past that you can draw on. Always keep balance and perspective in mind when you reflect. If you have a current challenge you are working on, reflect on it, give it some mental energy, give yourself a place to reflect that is quiet and a time that is most peaceful for you, and what is really important here is-let it incubate.  Give reflective thought time to blossom, grow and develop.  Time is your friend with reflective thinking…so give it some room

Reflective thinking skills is the first place to start when you want to think about something and think better.

Thinking skills- looking ahead

Exploring the future is definitely inspirational. Thinking associated with new ideas, planning different objectives and also stretching your creative thoughts on how to proceed in a different way, provides you with loads of positive energy!  Use the past to think ahead, set goals and cherish the insight these thoughts give you.

Reflective thinking is just one of hundreds of different patterns, strategies and insights from our Be Thinkful© thinking and creativity E-Book and skill development program.  Learn new skills and check out our special limited time intro offer now at
